Sunday, April 24, 2016


I've been surrounded by much beauty this Spring--as a novice gardener, I'm thrilled to see my nervous rose pruning efforts have paid off! Coupled with rose food, there is a plethora of blooms, from the rose bushes and rose trees planted by my home's previous owner.

I feel closer to God when I'm outside, tidying up the garden. It dawned on me one day, how kind it is of God to give us natural aromatherapy! There's a whole industry centered around the healing that flower essences provide. I feel that when I'm deeply inhaling and enjoying a flower's fragrance-I'm partaking of that rose's "purpose" and receiving with gratitude, the gift of God as revealed in that single rose. Because of that one rose-- I have become a little bit more whole, I feel! 

The same can be said of my two munchkins, that died so young. The world may not have partaken of their unique beauty which engulfed all senses. But I did. And their influence on me, continues to this day, and will forever. Their beauty has helped to shape me, into something better.

 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: (NIV Eccl 3:1) 

One of those "activities" I believe, is to be "restored" after we physically die. (The words, 

                                  "God of Restoration" 

was given to me by the Holy Spirit while hospitalized, I feel, to comfort me after the wreck. The longer I've been on this bereavement journey, the more I see how accurate this depiction is!)

Restoration of Beauty, seems to be a prevalent theme in many people's near-death experiences. Usually there is much beauty beyond the entrance gates. (I never got that far when I had my near-death experience!) 

One Bible verse that always reminds me of beauty restored after physical death, is this one:

     "He has made everything beautiful in its time." (NIV Eccl 3:11)

A single rose petal is a fantastic creation from God. But I feel that when a rose is "whole" is even more spectacular. I feel that when all of our brokenness is mended by God, and He restores us to wholeness, then we too, will be even more spectacular...(like our transitioned children already are!) in our time.

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