We all need the input of others to find our way through the dark times in our lives.
GoodTherapy.org has selected the best websites that, in their opinion, offer the grieving the most comprehensive solace.
I listed them all as active links to each site in the latest offering of the "LINKS" page, here on my site. If you'd like to-- check them out!
I feel a deep sense of peace these days...ONLY...when taking "it" back to the Cross. If I feel unfairly judged, mistreated unnecessarily...All these things become bearable for me when I think of what Our Lord suffered, too-- while physically on earth.
I tell myself that no injustice, rather real or imagined, escapes GOD'S notice...That is something Scripture seems to indicate that God almost snickers at...thinking that anyone can do anything without Him being aware of it. The Giver of Consciousness itself...NOT being aware of what's going on? I remind myself of His incredible power and I breathe a sigh of relief. The burden is off of me and onto Him to "get me out of this" whatever is ailing me...after I do my own part by taking as much action as is judiciously needed on my own behalf.
Some people have almost a "laissez-faire" attitude about "Letting go...and letting God!"...I feel that we're still expected to try within our capabilities to use our minds and bodies to help to resolve whatever it is...and then leave the rest up to God to assist where needed. Sometimes, that means He gets to deal with the whole enchilada, as the problem is just too big or we are just too humanly frail and wounded to get in there and do battle. "Our part" in those situations is to actively take the problem to God in prayer. God, being Compassionate and Omniscient, is right there assisting us-- setting things in motion even before we ask or are aware of the need.
Last night I was reading how the disciples worked hard all night long fishing, and didn't catch a single darn fish. Then Jesus entered the picture and spoke a few words...and their nets were so full...they were bulging with fish after floppin' fish!
I remind myself of Whom I am dealing with, when I am feeling overwhelmed. As it says somewhere (!) in Scripture; "Is anything too hard for Me?" also, this time paraphrasing, "Why do you go about worried, as if you have no Saviour?"
Psalm 37:8 "...do not fret--it leads only to evil."
I start to relax after I think on this and feel that by continuing to"fret"--it is almost like saying to Jesus...
"I don't really trust you...that's why I am so worried 24-7 about this...You have limited power, and obviously cannot be trusted to fully deal with my problems..."
What the heck??? This same Jesus who died for us, suffering an incredible amount of very real physical, emotional and Spiritual agony..."doesn't" care to save us from what is severely troubling us?
I can't believe in His power if I can't believe He can "get me through/outta this!"
Prayer is so essential to reconnect to the Power of Worry Relief. Results may not come immediately, but even then, we trust that, for whatever reason only He knows, it "is" the way it is supposed to be/happen/occur/feel...at this point in our lives... knowing that Jesus is always by our side, never deserting us...
This photo is an explanation of why I have not posted for awhile. According to Teleflora.com:
"As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize
that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after
In my case, the "death" has been a long term relationship and the old way of looking at certain aspects of my personal life. With newly opened eyes- like a newborn newly emerged from the womb- I find there is much more "space' to be had and more to life, than I previously thought. This photo- with the cross in the background- signifies to me the part that Jesus continually has, in restoring me back to completeness with His guidance and healing Presence.
So much of life is about change...With God on our side, I needn't fear change. God is there to catch me (us) when we fall. Many of us as children, experienced little or no unconditional love...God's all-loving way; continually and constantly loving us, no matter what--is like the glue that holds my spirit together when I'm feeling broken or shattered emotionally. He is the ultimate "Super-glue!" With God, we cannot separate ourselves from the Super glue of His love unless we forcibly and willfully do so with everything in our human power! Otherwise we're glued for LIFE!
I think of Jesus facing the suffering of His upcoming crucifixion...the big change from the tossing down of cloaks before Him a short time previously upon entering Jerusalem ...How He did not give in to panic. He was even able to sing a song with the 12 apostles during that Last Supper...Talked to the 12 about the "Joy" that He had and wanted them to have also...All this as He knew fully the horror that lay ahead of Him.
He looked PAST the immediate future... into the long term future. This is something I try to do when troubled...
Remembering the words of an Uncle now transitioned "We're just passing through...just passing through..." He drank a beer or two, smoked when he liked and had the most serene countenance I think I've ever seen on a man. I remember him mostly for his refusal to stress over life's more troublesome events. I would need that lesson learned. Most bereaved Moms do.
Thank you, Uncle Tom for helping me to understand the concept of Matthew 6:34..."Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof..." In other words..."Don't sweat the small stuff!!!"
One day we will be free from all the pain and strain of earthly life, like our transitioned children. But until that day, to keep myself strong enough to carry on...I (we) need the strongest Super glue around to keep tightly bound to Whom we're to be bound to forever...Jesus!
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